About naacpadmin

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So far naacpadmin has created 5 blog entries.

NAACP Charleston Branch Moves Locations


NAACP Charleston, SC Branch opens it's Spring St. and Rutledge Ave location in the middle of downtown Charleston. Location selection is to be in the heart of the city with hope to bring wider range of care to under represented communities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGncwfwnebk  

NAACP Charleston Branch Moves Locations2023-11-06T17:52:30+00:00

Civil Rights Groups Challenge South Carolina’s New Redistricting Map


Civil rights groups have filed a legal challenge over South Carolina’s new raciallygerrymandered state House district map, charging it intentionally discriminates against Blackcommunities in the state and denies Black voters equal opportunity to participate in the political processand elect candidates of their choice. Press Release Dec 27 -21

Civil Rights Groups Challenge South Carolina’s New Redistricting Map2022-01-05T19:44:48+00:00

NAACP Launches Next Phase of Critical Voter Mobilization Campaign as Early Voting Kicks Off Across the Country


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NAACP Launches Next Phase of Critical Voter Mobilization Campaign as Early Voting Kicks Off Across the Country2020-10-03T17:25:23+00:00
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